tisdag 3 mars 2015


I didn't forget about Nerd Block for Februari got it and love some part of it but stuff happen.
So that's why it is not up
First Närcon Winter happen.
Second ehm my old cell phone kidna went crazy so I got myself a new one.
Nerd Block photo are in the old one so I need to transfer them to my laptop.
 TThird I got a kinds of a bit of a depression sort of, as always I just dont like my self at all so the normal.
Also still not out off it, I still feel like hiding under a rock and just stay there for eternity.
I just dont know what to do with myself sometimes. I feel lonely and thinking of getting a dog or a cat as a company in my apartment so I may feel a bit better.

If I get a dog it will not be this year but maybe next it a big commitment and my work is not so good with the time to take care of them, when it comes to dog´s. But with cat it may work that can be home alone longer and they are loners.
Also I am more of a cat person.
But that is not why I am writing to day or this in my goal more or less XD.
I was thinking of doing a
30 Day BJD Meme

With photos to them all even if that is not needed in the meme.
But for more of the fun. Would you like me too do it or should I just leave it be?

This is the 30 Day BJD Meme

 1) Why do you like BJDs?
2) Do you own any? If so how many and if not, do you have any plans to at the moment?
3) Post a picture of all your dolls!
4) What/who was the first BJD you ever owned? Do you still own them? (Who is your planned first?)
5) What/who was the very first BJD you saw?
6) Biggest size you own? (Have held/seen/like)
7) Smallest size you own? (Have held/seen/like)
8) What is your favourite size?
9) What is your least favourite size?
10) Post a picture of a doll and an animal!

11) What kind of doll do you prefer, girl or boy?
12) What do your friends think of your dolls/dolls in general?
13) Dollie shoes! Show us how many you have!
14) Have you ever had a floating head? What about a headless body? (What do you think you would do if you had either?)
15) What do your family think of your dolls?
16) Can any of your crew stand on their heads? (Show us~)
17) What is your favourite item of dollie clothing?
18) Do you have a favourite company?
19) A least favourite company?
20) What is your dream doll?
21) One doll you love, but will never (probably) buy?
22) What’s your favourite doll scale prop?
23) Is there a part of the BJD hobby that you dislike?
24) What about your favourite part of the hobby?
25) Have you ever modded a doll? (Do you think that you would?)
26) Done your own faceups? (Again, do you think you’d do that?)
27) Do you have a favourite out of your own dolls? (Don’t worry, we won’t tell the others ;D)
28) Post a crazy/silly pose!
29) Post a picture of your dolls exploring the outside world!
30) Have you ever been to a doll meetup? Did you enjoy it/do you plan to go to one in the future?
So is it a yes or a no?
Or maybe i should do it anyway for myself???
Who knows? I will let is sit for this week and we will see if I start this on monday or not =D

  Well Dean says goodbye till next time =D

2 kommentarer:

  1. Aww I hope you feel better soon! I would say that if you can afford it then get a pet to brighten up your days, it can really help. :) I want a dog too someday..

    Also I would say do the BJD challenge if you want, I'd probably be a bit interested as well! Post pictures if you decide to do it!

    1. Yay hope I will too I can get some pet´s Would do a lots too have some other to take care of and cuddel with.
      Cats seem to be me for me right now to be easery too take care off in my place in life.

      I will do the BJD Challenges I feel the need to get my intersst up at the hobby also I feel it could be fun with the question. =D
