måndag 19 januari 2015

NerdBlock 2015 Januari

So got my first NerdBlock this year.
Got to pick it up at my parents house so just a tiny walk there and back home.
Just have a day off work because i work on saturday so I have a day off today.
Onto the box of mysterious stuff in it.
Oh I will be lazy I will not edit the photos this time, I am to lazy to do it.

 The box took away the address and what in it list.
I don´t what any one to stalk me now do I?
Well not that i think anyone would like to do that I am not that interesting person to begin with.

 The t-shirt nicely in the box also not hard to guess what is on it ne?

 The box of little bit of everything nerdy oh so I love it I mean look at it.

This is darts as you can see a game and you can collect different darts and just cast them away and they stick on the wall or a door what every, as you can see what is says on the packet.
Really fun I must say =D

And this Grumpy Cat o f cuteness and I just love it look at it and tell me wrong.
This is One of the things I love form this box this time.

This made me giggle a bit also I did try them could work for cosplay or more it just for fun XD

Pen and a bookmark from the Hobbit movie.
I never seen the movies I should probably do that sometime.
 This is amazing indeed. It is a movie cell A real one, from the Star Wars movie.
This is my cell from the movie and now I have no words for it.
Also I love what I got this is my no: 1 favorite in this box. >w< <3
But the grumpy cat is not far away from it I love them both.
Certificate for the cell also.


This is as you can see dart board and I love it. Also it was a good thinking to throw it in with the darts really XD
So now the last thing or almost
a comic book as you can see seem interesting maybe I will read it or not.
  The card that tell what in the box, really good that they up that card in.
It is not always you will know what you get and it fun read.

Oh I Almost forgot the T-shirt but you saw a bit of it in the beginning and well on the card XD

So there it is, I like it even if I am not a Doctor Who fan or more, have not see any episode more then a tiny bit of the older ones.

But still it is a cool t-shirt and I like it =D
That is all for now see you around.
Bye Bye <3